Huzzah, The Great‘s third season is out! Hoult and Fanning are terrific together. It’s ever so slapstick-y and absurd, but fantastic eye candy nonetheless.

Just learned how to play Wordle (I’m only 5 years late!) and lordy it’s the only thing that gets me out of bed in the mornings.

I’ve been watching Conan O’Brien since the ’90s. In hindsight I know I shouldn’t have been allowed to stay up to watch a show with characters named Triumph the Insult Comic Dog or the Masturbating Bear, but like I said – it was the ’90s! After Late Night, Tonight Show and Conan on TBS, I’m now hooked on his podcasts with Sona and Gourley – I even sit through the ads. So if I’ve got my earphones on and I’m laughing, that’s Conan I’m listening to. They also just released the teaser for his latest travel show! So happy he’s back on the road. Bring it on, Conesy.
I first heard Tinariwen in 2014 while we were having dinner in a restaurant in Algiers. I remember Jul and I looking at each other for a second, a What the hell is this?! expression on our faces, then hailing the waiter to ask what we were listening to. Score! Super psyched with their latest record. Good as expected, but Emmarr is still my favourite. I always say that discovering Tinariwen was one of the highlights of the 3.5 years we lived in Algiers. (The bar was low, guys.)

Looking forward to watching A Little Life this summer, the theatre production of one of the greatest novels ever written.

Currently listening to:
Camel Power Club
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